
SSSD in container on Fedora Atomic Host

Jan Pazdziora


Revision History
Initial version2015-11-25


SSSD can be run in a container and provide services to the programs on the host, without being even installed on the host. With the help of the SSSD container, it is possible to IPA-enroll the Atomic Host to FreeIPA / IdM server (IPA) or to join it to Active Directory, and have authentication and authorization for the Atomic Host working for users that are externally-managed in those identity management systems.

SSSD overview

System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) is a daemon that provides identity, authentication, and authorization services to the operating system and applications. It provides modules and/or plugins for multiple subsystems of the operating system, including NSS, PAM, or sudo. It can cache multiple types of information to speed-up subsequent lookup or authentication operations, and it can use various remote backend types, including IPA, Active Directory, or LDAP.

SSSD can be configured by editing /etc/sssd/sssd.conf directly but due to overlap to other subsystems, those subsystems typically need to be configured as well to make use of SSSD, like for PAM, or /etc/krb5.* for Kerberos operations. For two use cases, setups against IPA and Active Directory, setup tools can be used to configure SSSD and other components of the operating system in automated fashion. For IPA it's ipa-client-install, or realm which can also configure the system for remote Active Directory backend.

IPA-enrolling system

Configuring operating system and SSSD to use identity, authentication, and authorization services of IPA is called IPA-enrollment. While running the setup tools, credentials typically need to be passed to ipa-client-install or realm commands to authenticate the operation on the remote system, as well as other options that specify to which remote system we are IPA-enrolling the machine, or which components should be configured.

The typical approach could include pre-creating the host record on the IPA server and generating one-time password for it:

ipa$ ipa host-add --random
  Random password: 3dW742a5rYTX
That password can then be used to authenticate from the client during IPA-enrollment, instead of using credentials of admin or other power user.
host# ipa-client-install -w 3dW742a5rYTX
Client configuration complete.
When run on a typical Fedora non-Atomic machine, this command will retrieve the keytab file for the host principal (/etc/krb5.keytab) and configure SSSD plus various identity, authentication, and authorization subsystems to use SSSD.

However, on Fedora Atomic Host, the command is not available

atomic# ipa-client-install
bash: ipa-client-install: command not found
and neither is available yum or dnf to install package containing that program.

What we however have on Fedora Atomic Host is command atomic which can download, configure, and run containers. SSSD container is available and can be used to IPA-enroll (or join to Active Directory) the Atomic Host in a very similar way you would do it on non-Atomic machine.

IPA-enrolling via SSSD in container

Upgrading Atomic to get SSSD client bits

When SSSD is run in a container, programs running directly on the Atomic Host will talk to it via Unix sockets. Libraries that can do that and that will allow for example ssh daemon to use SSSD for authentication and authorization are available in Fedora Atomic 23.17 or newer.

If the sssd-client is not available on your Fedora Atomic Host, when for example using the Fedora 23 GA image Fedora-Cloud-Atomic-23-20151030.x86_64.raw.xz, please upgrade your host:

atomic# rpm -q sssd-client
package sssd-client is not installed
atomic# atomic host upgrade
Updating from: fedora-atomic:fedora-atomic/f23/x86_64/docker-host
Upgrade prepared for next boot; run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot
atomic# systemctl reboot
After the reboot, we should find the SSSD client packages installed and our Fedora Atomic Host ready to be IPA-enrolled:
atomic# rpm -q sssd-client
Note: The IPA-enrollment would pass even without sssd-client installed but we would not be able to test the results so we started with the upgrade to have our environment ready.

Running ipa-client-install in a container

The SSSD container is pulled and configured using atomic install fedora/sssd and it can take multiple parameters, both on the command line and in configuration files. By default, command ipa-client-install is called in the container and the parameters are passed to it.

Assuming we have our IPA server ready and we have precreated host record for our Fedora Atomic Host and let it generate one-time password via

ipa$ kinit admin
Password for admin@EXAMPLE.COM: 
ipa$ ipa host-add --random
  Random password: kztxKgvR44qs
we can use that password with the -w command-line parameter to the atomic install fedora/sssd:
host# atomic install fedora/sssd -w kztxKgvR44qs
Client configuration complete.
The fedora/sssd container will first copy various configuration and data directories into the container, then it will run ipa-client-install with the command-line parameters that we passed to the atomic install fedora/sssd call, in this case ipa-client-install -w kztxKgvR44qs, and upon successful IPA-enrollment copies the config and data files back to the host machine.

Starting the daemon in container

Unlike with directly calling ipa-client-install on the non-Atomic machine, the SSSD container and the daemon inside of it does not stay running after atomic install finishes. We need to start it with second step:

host# atomic run fedora/sssd
host# systemctl start sssd

Testing the setup

As root on the Atomic host, we can check that the SSSD container is running

atomic# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
9088c7d529c6        fedora/sssd         "/bin/"       27 minutes ago      Up 26 minutes                           sssd
and we can see what processes run in the container:
atomic# docker exec 9088c7d529c6 ps axuwwf
root        29  0.0  0.2  47960  3500 ?        Rs   08:58   0:00 ps axuwwf
root         1  0.0  0.1  11744  2596 ?        Ss   08:31   0:00 /bin/bash /bin/
root         7  0.0  0.0   4356   728 ?        S    08:31   0:00 tail -f /var/log/sssd/systemctl.log
root        12  0.0  0.4 155032  6352 ?        Ss   08:31   0:00 /usr/sbin/sssd -D -f
root        13  0.0  0.9 248556 14244 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_be --domain --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        14  0.0  2.1 161108 31448 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_nss --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        15  0.0  0.3 133860  5568 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_sudo --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        16  0.0  0.4 138624  6888 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_pam --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        17  0.0  0.3 133852  5480 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_ssh --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        18  0.0  0.4 159184  6840 ?        S    08:31   0:00  \_ /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_pac --uid 0 --gid 0 --debug-to-files
root        28  0.0  0.0   4316   632 ?        S    08:47   0:00 sleep 1000

From different machine (or the IPA server), we can test that GSS-API (Kerberos) authentication to the Fedora Atomic Host now works and that the user gets authenticated and the Atomic host knows user's identity:

other-host$ kinit bob
Password for bob@EXAMPLE.COM: 
other-host$ ssh
Could not chdir to home directory /home/bob: No such file or directory
atomic$ id
uid=1215800001(bob) gid=1215800001(bob) groups=1215800001(bob) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
atomic$ hostname
We don't have home directories mounted but we see that authentication and user and group identity lookups work.

The PAM stack gets configured to use SSSD as well so for example when you disable the allow_all host-based access control (HBAC) rule in IPA, you can use custom rules to for example allow ssh access to the Fedora Atomic Host to members of admin user group.

Starting with Fedora Atomic 23.53, the sss_sudo is included which makes it possible to manage access to sudo for IPA-managed users in IPA server.

Complex options


We've seen that we can pass the one-time password generated by the IPA server when the host record was created to the atomic install fedora/sssd command and it will be passed to the ipa-client-install in the container. In fact, if the first parameter to atomic install fedora/sssd starts with a dash (-), all parameters will be passed to the ipa-client-install.

It is also possible to pass parameters to ipa-client-install by storing them to /etc/sssd/ipa-client-install-options on the host before running atomic install. For example, it can contain
and these strings will be used as parameters. This approach can be useful for example for automatic enrollments upon provisioning when parameters for the provisioning are stored in some file or passed to the (virtual) machine in a form of configuration file anyway.

One difference to running ipa-client-install on non-Atomic machine is the interactivity. The atomic install fedora/sssd runs ipa-client-install in non-interactive mode (using the -U parameter) so it's not possible to enter the password on a prompt. That further increases the importance of scenarios using one-time passwords for hosts.

realm join

Besides IPA-enrolling the Atomic Host, the SSSD container can also join the Atomic Host to Active Directory using realm command. There are two ways to trigger this scenario instead of the default ipa-client-install.

If the first parameter to the atomic install fedora/sssd is realm, realm is called with the remaining parameters. Alternatively, when file /etc/sssd/realm-join-options exists, realm will be called with its content as command-line parameters.

In both cases, since the SSSD container is noninteractive and realm does not allow the password for joining the machine to Active Directory to be passed on the command line, file /etc/sssd/realm-join-password needs to contain the password, for the operation to succeed.

So for example,

atomic# atomic install fedora/sssd realm join
will join the Fedora Atomic Host to Active Directory domain, provided Administrator's password is stored in /etc/sssd/realm-join-password.

Manual SSSD configuration

Since the configuration and data that the SSSD container uses are stored in the exact locations where standard sssd service stores them, it is possible to configure SSSD manually on the host in /etc/sssd and other locations, without invoking ipa-client-install or realm join in the container.

To instruct the container that is shouldn't attempt any additional configuration besides configuring self to be run when sssd systemd service is invoked (in /etc/systemd/system/sssd.service), use option --migrate:

atomic# atomic install fedora/sssd --migrate
You can for example manually configure LDAP identity and authentication providers and special PAM handling and then just start the SSSD container.

Uninstalling the container

The SSSD container also supports uninstalling / leaving the external identity provider, either via ipa-client-install --uninstall or using realm leave.

For IPA-enrolled machine, use

atomic# atomic uninstall fedora/sssd
For machine joined to Active Directory, the same command should also work when the container can figure out that realm was use to join but you can be explicit and use
atomic# atomic uninstall fedora/sssd realm leave

To disable the sssd.service on the host from attempting to start the container when it was unconfigured and possibly removed, use

atomic# atomic uninstall fedora/sssd
atomic# rm /etc/systemd/system/sssd.service
atomic# systemctl daemon-reload

Note about DNS

In the examples above, we assume that the machines can find the IPA server because they are configured with correct DNS settings.

If you are trying the examples in testing setup, you can use

host# echo nameserver IP-address-of-IPA-server > /etc/resolv.conf
and set the hostname on those machines with domain matching the domain handled by the IPA server:
host# hostname


Versions used

  • Fedora 23.53 Atomic Host (ostree)
  • SSSD container 5e464ff2c527 (use docker images)